Labhaoise Dunbar is presented with the shield for the ladies championship by Chairman, Dermot Murray.

Labhaoise Dunbar is presented with the shield for the ladies championship by Chairman, Dermot Murray.

Our first league of the season concluded with the finals last Saturday night. As usual competition was fierce (friendly fierce!). Paul Kenny once again sponsored this first league of our season. We thank Paul for his continued support and wish him well under his new branding of “Haven Pharmacy – Paul Kenny”.
As always, we had a great entry for the league, and it was nice see many of the up and coming young members put us “old hacks” in our place!! Beware, however, you young bucks, there is life in the old dogs yet!
In Division 1 John Kelly’s team including Kevin Power, Padraig Cunningham, Eoghan Dunphy and Jason Mullowney just about edged out James Gaffney’s team of himself, David Gooney, Noel Gaffney, Michael Shanahan and Jordan Scholtz, while in Division 2 Anne Veale’s troops with John Day, Christy Sheridan, Caroline Lacey and Louise Murphy on board saw off (by a narrow margin) John Flynn’s team of Catherine Murphy, Pat Fitzgerald, Tim O’Sullivan and Emer Tuc (subbing for James Hayden)
Also played was the Ladies Championship Final of season 2015/16. This was delayed for unavoidable reasons from the end of last season. Labhaoise Dunbar retained the trophy for the third year after a valiant effort by Roisin Kirwan to wrest the championship from her.
As always, the presentation of prizes for both competitions took place in Harney’s, and again many thanks to Jim, Mary and John Paul for looking after us so well.
Christmas League
Our Christmas League, sponsored by Jack Molloy Catering, has just kicked off. Thanks, Jack, once again for your continued commitment to the club. No doubt this Christmas League will be as competitive as ever. We ask members to play games early, and ensure that all games are played.
The junior section continues to be very active. Coaching every Saturday is flat out, and the standard of play of juniors of all ages continues to improve. Dunhill Squash Club juniors certainly punch well above their weight.We have 16 juniors travelling to Cork to the Munster Junior Open Championships. We will have more on our juniors next week. In the meantime, we thank our very hard working junior committee and coaches for their commitment to the next generation of squash players.
We always welcome new members to our club, and pride ourselves in looking after them as best possible. If any readers would like to try their hand at the game why not call our secretary on 0872701093