Of all the decisions made at County Board level over the past decade, I think I’m on safe ground in suggesting that the introduction of an all-county Minor Hurling Championship was the pick of the bunch.
Being among the privileged Waterfordians inside Croke Park on Sunday, September 8th when Dungarvan’s Kevin Daly lifted the Irish Press Cup to end a 65-year wait for a Minor All-Ireland title, that decision took on even greater significance.
Allied to the fantastic work of the county’s juvenile officers, along with coaches at schools, colleges and club level, a great coming together of those working for a common purpose bore fruit.
The longing glances across the Suir and Blackwater over the past few, well, let’s face it, decades, have been royally frustrating. We wanted a cut of the action, a taste of the big time, days (and nights) to remember and recall with affection, to share in, to celebrate, to treasure.
Well, we’ve got one of them now, and the Deise’s minor stars have been feted in schools and parish halls between Cheekpoint and Ballyduff Upper already, just a few short weeks after their historic win over Galway.