A project involving the construction of barn owl boxes, bat boxes and insect hotels is underway, which will benefit both the environment around Waterford City and the people supported within Brothers of Charity Services.

Tory Woodcraft, Tory Services, have been collaborating with a number of community partners in Waterford City to develop an environmental programme. The people supported by the Brothers of Charity Service have benefited from funding from the Waterford Wexford Education and Training Board, which they have utilised by funding a woodwork instructor Brian Gordon.

Brian teaches and educates the people supported on woodwork construction and design skills on a weekly basis. The group decided they would like to give back something to the environment and support biodiversity in their local community. The group has been working in collaboration with the grounds staff at Carriganore SETU Arena to develop their biodiversity walkway which will surround their playing pitches and the Arena building itself.

The project has chosen a very catchy name called ‘The Owl Fellows’ Eco Group. This group intends to install a pole barn owl nesting box, insect hotels and bat boxes in the grounds of Carriganore over the winter months. The group has approached local technology companies to seek partnership to install a camera in the nesting boxes. QR codes will be located near the bat boxes and bee hotels.  This will provide links to a website where you can watch the barn owl chicks in the spring. It will also educate with information on who inhabits the insect hotels and the different varieties of bats.


One of the strategic goals in the Brothers of Charity Strategic Plan for 2024-2028 is to protect the environment for future generations.

David Mc Caffrey, Tory Services applied to St. Dominic’s Credit Union for funding through their community partnership program and was successful. Under the guidance of Jan Dwyer, Business Development and Marketing Officer, The Owl Fellow’s project was selected to develop a partnership.

At the moment St. Dominic’s Credit Union are exploring in partnership with Brothers of Charity Services how to develop a micro-enterprise, which would align itself with Brothers of Charity’s Strategic Goals that people’s rights should be respected as equal valued citizens – in this case to become self-employed or business owners.

St. Dominic’s Credit Union kindly donated €1,000 to this project through seed capital.