Tara, the musical director from the local Waterford acclaimed and inspirational ‘Sing for Joy, Song Circle’ choir, visited the Samaritans branch at 16 Beau Street in Waterford on Monday, September 16th, to hand over a cheque, which was the proceeds of a charity concert held during the summer.

Tara’s uncle was a local Samaritan in the 1990s, and Tara wished to do a concert in his honour and to remember him as he recently passed away.

The evening of the concert was full of joy and dancing, which only music and singing can bring. The branch appreciates the donation very much. Fintan Duffy, branch director, assures that the proceeds will help support the branch to support those in the community, especially during the long and dark winter nights when loneliness is often more prevalent.

Samaritans are always available day or night when many other support lines and services are closed. We can be contacted free at 116 123 or jo@samritians.ie. We are open for face-to-face chats from 2.00 pm to 8.00 pm each day at 16 Beau Street.

Come and meet and support us from 12.00 pm to 3. 00 pm on Saturday, October 12th, at the Coach House Coffee House on the Greenway as we raise awareness for World Mental Health Day, walking to Kilmacthomas and back. We would love to meet you and chat about what we do and what volunteering involves.