The EU Commission are holding a public consultation on a review of rules on exemptions for small amounts of aid (de minimis aid) in agriculture.

Current de minimis rules for the agriculture sector allow exemptions from State aid control for small aid amounts as they are deemed to have no impact on competition and trade in the single market. Also, maximum cumulative amounts of de minimis aid per Member State have to be respected.

The Commission is now revising the agricultural de minimis Regulation to react to increasing inflationary pressure in the sector. It is proposing to adjust the de minimis threshold to inflation and to also increase the national caps. It also proposes to improve transparency by introducing a mandatory de minimis register, which will reduce administrative burden on farmers who currently use a self-declaration system.

All citizens, organisations and public authorities are welcome to contribute to this consultation. 

If you wish to provide any comments please do so before the 21/07/2024 through the following link to the Commission website: