NewRoadwayThe M9 connection between Waterford and Dublin will reverse the decades-old ‘brain drain’ out of the south east leading to the capital according to Fianna Fáil MEP Liam Aylward.
Speaking exclusively to The Munster Express at the opening of the Waterford to Knocktopher section of the M9 on Monday, Mr Aylward said the new motorway provided a new avenue of opportunity for the region.
“I think there are many people who would love to get out of Dublin, get down the country and set up business here in the south east,” he said.
“To help facilitate such a move from our end, we need to have high-speed Broadband readily available and in place for those businesses and individuals who need it.
“There should be no hesitancy is getting this additional infrastructure in place so that we’re seen as a pro-active, as opposed to a reactive region.”
Mr Aylward said the new route to Dublin was something to be justly proud of amidst the persisting economic gloom.
“We tend not to look at the positives anymore because we’ve been so engrossed with being negative for the past 12, 18 months – I see it more so in Ireland than in most of our fellow member states so I really do hope that the positive message will start getting out there,” he said.
“This infrastructure is fantastic and has to have a benefit for the south east and will undoubtedly serve to open our region up to a whole range of new and exciting possibilities.
See The Munster Express newspaper for full story.