drunkstudentsWaterford Gardaí endured their busiest night of the year on Wednesday, making 31 arrests as ‘Christmas Day’ student celebrations got decidedly out of hand in both residential estates and the city centre.
The aftermath of another night to forget for terrorised residents in Templars Hall and Lismore Park, as well as over-worked doormen in the city centre was evidenced in the affected areas’ vomit-spattered footpaths.
A house in Templars Hall, which was cleared by Gardaí and WIT Students Union (WITSU) representatives, resembled “a bomb site” according to City Councillor John Cummins, who witnessed the scenes at first hand.
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” said the Fine Gael Councillor, who felt compelled to survey the damage given the repeated concerns raised by local residents in recent years.
“There was broken glass everywhere, empty cans by the dozen, chairs smashed to pieces and even the kitchen table wasn’t spared – it was in bits,” Cllr Cummins added.
“This sort of behaviour is totally unacceptable and can no longer be tolerated by residents or by elected officials. Residents should not be made to feel like hostages in their own homes.
See The Munster Express newspaper for full story.