Dick Dowling (FG)

Dick Dowling (FG)

Support for beleaguered Waterford Crystal workers, who face an uncertain future plus concerns over their redundancy payments and pensions, came from South Kilkenny politicians last week.

Kilkenny County Council has been urged to write to the Government in support of the Waterford workers who have discovered that there are not funds available to pay the pensions to which they have contributed over many decades.

Councillor Dick Dowling (FG) said the crystal industry had been a very powerful influence on the economy of the South East for many years. Workers from South Kilkenny held well paid jobs and made good livings for themselves and their families.

But the industry went into decline and was now no longer viable. Mr. Tony O’Reilly lost €240m or more and had now moved out. It seemed that management in the industry had overpaid themselves but had not been able to turn the business about.

See The Munster Express for a more detailed report.