Labour Party Councillor Seamus Ryan called for the introduction of a €9 monthly climate public transport ticket.  At the Labour Party conference held this week Ryan proposed:

“That this conference calls on the government to introduce a €9 monthly climate transport ticket which will help to shift people away from using cars as Ireland seeks to meet climate by targets".

Labour is calling for the introduction of a monthly, flat rate €9 climate transport ticket to help people make the move to public transport; save on costs of fuel, and help Ireland meet our ever-distant emission targets.

Modelled on a similar scheme which was introduced in Germany, the ticket would entitle people across the country to unlimited travel, across all modes of public transport, for just €9 per month.

“If we are serious about achieving our net zero targets, we need carrots, not just sticks. We need to take practical measures that will make a difference and we need to see leadership from the government.”

Figures made available to the Labour Party estimate that the carbon emissions savings of such a policy would be equivalent to removing 23,000 cars off our roads. It’s time this Government was brave enough to take radical steps towards a cleaner greener future.

The Climate Ticket would allow unlimited public transport access for €9 a month. Ryan called on the government to trial the climate ticket in Waterford. 

“Let the government take a brave step and introduce a practical measure that will reduce traffic emissions in our city and in Tramore County Waterford. “