Ber & Liam

Ber & Liam

January is one of the busiest times of the year in gyms and leisure centres across the entire planet. The start of a new year is when many people make a resolution to eat healthier, exercise more, and lose weight. As a fitness instructor I have witnessed this trend for years now. The new years resolutioners’ arrive when the kids go back to school and they will already have fallen off the wagon by the time the February mid term arrives.
Studies show that most of the weight lost in this post Christmas frenzy is just the weight that was gained during the holidays. If you are really serious about your health and fitness then now is the time to make a change, start eating healthy and get moving more!!
According to a recent study by an American professor your weight right now in November is the lowest it will be all year. The study looked at weight gain and weight loss among nearly 1,800 adults in America, Japan, and Germany over the course of a year, and found that the idea of “holiday weight” is pretty real. It’s not all that surprising when you think about all those massive meals, parties, work functions, family functions, extra drinks and sweet treats that we all over indulge in during the Christmas period.
If you decide to just go with the flow like you have every other year and if you don’t make an effort to reign it in now then the weight you could possibly gain in the next 8 weeks could take up to five months of hard work and dieting to burn off.
So, instead of over-indulging in holiday foods and making a new year’s resolution why not make a November resolution TODAY and save yourself some serious time and effort.
o Eat more fresh healthy foods.
o Drink more water.
o Watch your portion sizes and consider tracking your food using My Fitness Pal.
o Cut down on added sugars.
o Cut down on processed foods.
o Don’t go back for seconds.
o Eat less refined carbs such as white bread, rice and pasta.
o Keep healthy snacks around in case you get hungry.
o Get enough sleep.
o Relax.
o Get out in the fresh air.
o Exercise more.
The more weight gain you can prevent right now, the less you have to worry about losing. Why wait? Start today.
If you would like any information or advice on getting on track with your November resolution please don’t hesitate to contact me, Bernie on 085 2788176 or Liam on 086 0859965 or connect with us on Facebook or Instagram.