It's hard not to have lingering doubts about University Hospital Waterford's future.

It's hard not to have lingering doubts about University Hospital Waterford's future.

Many people, myself included, believe that, over the years, jealousy and begrudging parish-pump politics between adjoining counties have held the South East back as a region.
Therefore, I was genuine a few weeks ago when I wished Wexford well as they celebrated the announcement of a brand new third level campus on a greenfield site in the town.
Labour Ministers Brendan Howling and Jan O’Sullivan came up with the money to purchase a prime 35-acre site in the town and Mr Howlin said the move put higher education on a firm footing in Wexford and was the first step in the delivery of a Technological University for the South East.
Last week came the news that plans for a €23m extension at Wexford General Hospital had been submitted to the Ireland East Hospital Group.
The intention is to build a four-storey, 72-bed, state-of-the-art complex featuring one and two-bed wards that will bring the hospital in line with modern European standards.
Clinical director, Dr Colm Quigley, said management was hopeful that building works would commence prior to 2020.
Earlier this year, a new emergency department was provided at Wexford General at a cost of €20m and a new theatre and maternity ward will open early next year. Management hopes to achieve university status by next Spring.
Dr Quigley also said: “We will be expanding our links with the UCD Medicine and Nursing school so young doctors and nurses will be coming here, along with other speciality care students.
“Our links to Waterford are continuing but as part of our hospital grouping we are now more aligned with Dublin hospitals.”
Again, I wish our friends in Wexford well but why, deep down, is there a worrying knot in my stomach about the future of University Hospital Waterford?