Real-life Female Indiana Jones, Priestess and Rebel conquers Ireland’s Ancient East   

International author and historian searching for the Grail launches innovative workshops

Helena B. Scott is an author and adventurous historian who researches and teaches history, archaeology (specialising in sacred geography ancient energies) and is an expert on the occult. She is also an “obtainer of rare antiquities”, including hidden knowledge and the secret to life itself, also teaching spirituality.  A member of the Egypt Exploration Society (est. 1882) she is currently working on two new history books, one on a Knights Templar lead in Ireland’s Ancient East. Through her works, talks and new workshops, Helena aims to share this life-changing knowledge which has in fact changed her life, to awaken mortals who are sleepwalking through life.

Helena is the daughter of an American, a former Diplomat and author but also later history lecturer and research fellow at the University of Texas at Austin. And much like the young Indy, she learned about history from her father from an early age, travelling all over the world with him. Her unique background and childhood gifted Helena with the ability of being able to speak many languages but also appreciate the history and culture while inhabiting the minds of the people of different worlds. Helena studied Modern Languages in universities in France and the UK but also studied law combined with history, Latin and anthropology in one of the world’s oldest faculties in Spain. Here, she accessed and later specialised in rare medieval documents going on a life-long personal quest in search of the holy grail and the Knights Templar.  During this time, together with another student (a police inspector with whom she would later collaborate in resolving cases), Helena began her professional experience with the spirit world through criminology, as they worked evenings for a professor and on-duty judge dealing with the legal aspects of suicides, murders and more.

You are what your deepest desire is. As your desire is, so is your intention. As your intention is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.” Upanishads (700 – 500 BCE).

We are but a ”breath” in history: a fleeting moment. But by noticing the messages hidden in plain view through spiritual growth which broadens how we sense the world, we can live a more satisfying and fulfilling life. Helena’s passion for life and energy is contagious; all who attend her talks/workshops develop a thirst to know more and are forever changed.  In her on-line and in person talks and workshops, Helena teaches us how to connect with the unconscious, how history, energies and the collective unconscious (she is a Jungian scholar) affect us, how to enhance our awareness to experience what had previously gone unnoticed, but most importantly, how to use the magic we all have within by making the right choices as “Magicians” to create our own destiny and achieve our dreams; our “Sankara” or holy Grail.

“But choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.”–Grail Knight from movie Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade


Helena’s upcoming in-person all-day workshops include “Goddess Power – Awaken & Harness the Divine Feminine for an Empowered Life” (using myth and Jungian Archetypes), 18th July at HQ in Gorey (Co. Wexford), “Know the Chakras & Aura. Cleanse, Balance and Protect your Energy”, 16th July at St. Mary’s Community Hall, Fethard on Sea, Co. Wexford and “Soul Food – Mindful Eating for Enhanced Awareness & Spiritual Growth” 31st July at the Purple Lotus Holistic Therapy Centre, Waterford.  You can also meet Helena and get more information at the next holistic fair in Tramore, at the Sands Hotel on 3rd July 10 am to 6 pm.

Helena B. Scott is the author of “Loftus – The Hall of Dreams”; a secret history revisionist account and interactive occult work (written as a classic Gothic story) on what really happened in Ireland’s most haunted house, Loftus Hall, featuring Helena’s psychical research and paranormal experiences as well as striking photography by Steve Meyler.  With over 30 years of experience, Helena has adopted a unique approach to uncover mysteries, often re-writing history, combining archaeology, sacred geography and ancient energies, history and art history, esoteric architecture, the paranormal and the occult, anthropology, and mediumship. A member of the legendary Ghost Club (est. 1862), Helena has trained with leading UK spirituality coach and psychic detective, Tony Stockwell, as well as in the top two leading spiritual training institutes in the world: Arthur Findlay College (est. 1964) – The World’s Foremost College for the Advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences and the London College of Psychic Studies (est. 1884), where she has been a member for many years.

For news on Helena’s upcoming books and to book her unique on-line and in-person talks and workshops, please visit:

You can also email Helena at  If you’d like to learn more about Helena’s psychical research on Ireland’s most haunted house, Loftus Hall, visit where the last few limited edition, signed and numbered collectors’ copies are available for purchase.

Helena B. Scott Author Historian