At the opening were John Galloway, Orlaith Hamersley, Fiona Horrocks, Miranda Stewart, Paula   McCarthy, Tina Keating, Karen Toebbe, Julian Walton.

At the opening were John Galloway, Orlaith Hamersley, Fiona Horrocks, Miranda Stewart, Paula McCarthy, Tina Keating, Karen Toebbe, Julian Walton.

The official opening of the Edith Colliers Bunmahon exhibition in the Copper Coast Auxiliary Exhibition Space took place recently, marking 100 years since the progressive New Zealand born artist and a group of her contemporaries spent their last summer sketching and painting in Bunmahon and the surrounding area.
Collier’s contribution to New Zealand art as an innovator, modernist and expatriate painter places her in a most distinguished group.
This exhibition of fine art reproductions was opened by renowned historian Julian Walton and celebrates Waterford’s association with this fascinating and pioneering woman who would become a significant Modernist painter and enjoy great success through exhibiting with the Society of Women Artists and Women’s International Art Club – venues outside the art establishment of the era.
The opening was a very memorable evening as this was the first time Edith’s work was ever exhibited in Ireland. Special guest speaker on the night was Edith’s great niece Fiona Horrocks, Chair of the Edith Collier Trust, who travelled from New Zealand with her sister Miranda Stewart to attend the opening. The event was made possible by the tireless efforts of Tina Keating, Orlaith Hamersley, Paula McCarthy and Karen Toebbe, with John Galloway, Copper Coast Director, delivering a warm welcome, Eddie McCarthy at Castle Cafe providing the buffet, photographer Sean Fitzsimons of Fotofitz taking the pics and in excess of 50 people helping to make the evening so special.
The 26 quality reproductions of art work created by Edith 100 years ago will remain on exhibit until 17thOctober at the Copper Coast Geopark Auxiliary Exhibition Space Bunmahon, Co Waterford, which is (located approximately 50 meters uphill from the Copper Coast Visitor’s Centre. They will then be housed in the Coastguard Cultural Centre, Love Lane Tramore, between 20th October and 3rdNovember. For more information please see