Historical Stories

The Granary Statue Story

The Granary Statue Story

The Granary Statue Story

Ron Goulden I am happily sitting in the Café courtyard, sipping coffee, oblivious to the bustle of mid-morning just outside its walls. The courtyard had recently become a small container or flower pot garden adding a feeling of calm and colour, bringing nature into focus with the occasional sweet scent of blossom in...
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Exploring Dordrecht in Holland

Exploring Dordrecht in Holland

Exploring Dordrecht in Holland

Kieran Walsh This is a beautiful and historic city, not far from Rotterdam. They claim it is the oldest city with a charter in Holland. Little war damage despite being an important port in the past, whereas Rotterdam was heavily bombed. If you want a small version of Amsterdam with canals, history and art, then this...
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