Foley on File

An enterprising village

An enterprising village

An enterprising village

IT’S OFTEN said that a rising tide lifts all boats and there is perhaps no better example of this than the transformation which is taking place in the picturesque village of Kilmacthomas. Since the official opening of the Waterford Greenway in March 2017, the village has welcomed visitors from throughout Ireland,...
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Living with diabetes

Living with diabetes

Living with diabetes

November is Diabetes Awareness Month and Sunday November 14th marked World Diabetes Awareness Day. Across the globe, in recognition of this date, buildings turned blue including here in Waterford. Buildings along The Mall, including City Hall and The Theatre Royal, as well as Waterford Institute of Technology...
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Piltown’s pandemic progress

Piltown’s pandemic progress

Piltown’s pandemic progress

Despite the challenges posed by Covid-19, significant progress has been made during the pandemic in proactive Piltown Kieran Foley The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent imposition of various restrictions presented many unforeseen obstacles for community groups across Ireland. Current projects, future...
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A walk within Waterford

A walk within Waterford

A walk within Waterford

The limited easing of Covid-19 travel restrictions means more of us can now embark on wonderful Waterford walks   Kieran Foley Undoubtedly, the Covid-19 pandemic has focused minds on the simple things which we can no longer take for granted. The benefits of exercising, both physical and psychological, have never been...
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Daffodil Day with a difference

Daffodil Day with a difference

Daffodil Day with a difference

The Irish Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day fundraiser takes place on Friday March 26th Kieran Foley The Irish Cancer Society is urging people in Waterford to get behind a very different Daffodil Day this year. The charity’s much loved flagship fundraiser is unable to take place in its traditional format with...
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Echoes of the past at Durrow

Echoes of the past at Durrow

Echoes of the past at Durrow

Kieran Foley The centenary of a major historical event at Durrow has highlighted the potential for further developing this popular location on the Waterford Greenway Last Wednesday marked the 100th anniversary of the Durrow Engagement which was an escalation of the War of Independence and one of the first engagements...
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Aiding Grozovo

Aiding Grozovo

Aiding Grozovo

Kieran Foley In 2020, for the first time in 23 years, volunteers with a local charity were unable to embark on their twice-yearly trips to Belarus 2020 brought many traditional rituals to a shuddering halt. Numerous events and activities which had been annual fixtures were either postponed or cancelled. One such...
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