Community News

Waterford showcased to Royals

Waterford showcased to Royals

Waterford showcased to Royals

Justine Dwyer   Blue skies and unseasonably warm temperatures heralded the arrival of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall to Waterford last Thursday when they were welcomed by locals who lined the streets.   As the city basked in glorious sunshine, the Royal couple took full advantage of the good...
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Transforming South Kilkenny

Transforming South Kilkenny

Transforming South Kilkenny

PICTURESQUE  Piltown is certainly punching above its weight in terms of community spirit, pride of place and entrepreneurial activities. Although the village was bypassed in 2002 with the opening of the upgraded N24, Piltown has managed to retain a vibrant atmosphere combined with a quaint charm. Boasting a number of...
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