South Kilkenny

Transforming South Kilkenny

Transforming South Kilkenny

Transforming South Kilkenny

PICTURESQUE  Piltown is certainly punching above its weight in terms of community spirit, pride of place and entrepreneurial activities. Although the village was bypassed in 2002 with the opening of the upgraded N24, Piltown has managed to retain a vibrant atmosphere combined with a quaint charm. Boasting a number of...
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Anger regarding N24 and N25 funding

Anger regarding N24 and N25 funding

Anger regarding N24 and N25 funding

Eddie Synnott   The decision by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) not to allocate funding, in 2022, to the N24 and N25 road projects was described as “very disappointing” news by Kilkenny councillor, Pat Dunphy, chairman of Piltown Municipal District, at its recent monthly meeting. Cllr. Dunphy went on to...
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Ferrybank's Park Will Be "Amazing"

Ferrybank's Park Will Be "Amazing"

Construction works at 2.5-acre site now considered imminent Construction work at the long-awaited public park at Ferrybank is set to be announced by Kilkenny County Council in October, local Councillors were informed on Wednesday last. Speaking at the September meeting of the Piltown Municipal District, Economic and...
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Tidy Towns progress in Glenmore

Tidy Towns progress in Glenmore

A trip to Glenmore for a planned hour or so turned into nearly half a day as we met members of a local Tidy Towns group who have been doing much work in and around the village. Many local people got involved for this year’s Tidy Towns competition. They were last involved in the competition 13 years ago and they made...
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