
Helping the vulnerable

Helping the vulnerable

Our past record in protecting the vulnerable in this country has been pretty abysmal at times, and that goes for vulnerable elderly people who may have been seeking financial and investment help. Too many older people, with cash in their bank and building society accounts were particularly easy prey during the boom...
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Parents and the wrong priorities

Parents and the wrong priorities

A headline that caught my attention a few weeks back was a press release from Laya Life (this is the life assurance arm of Laya Healthcare) which stated: “Parents expect their children to be financially independent from the age of 24.” This is the age when my own child will finish his college course (he...
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Greek tragedy is a lesson for us all

Greek tragedy is a lesson for us all

The Greek debt drama is a salutary lesson for us all: that if you’re not a member of a social, corporate or sovereign elite whose transgressions/debts are forgiven because you’re ‘too big to fail’, then not paying back your loans as they fall due is eventually going to lead to bankruptcy. By the time you read this,...
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Never Too Late to Make a Will

Never Too Late to Make a Will

Some couples choose not to marry. They may have had previous unhappy marriages or long term relationships. Their parents may have had an unhappy marriage that broke up (or should have.) They may still be married but do not wish to divorce their previous partner. They may not believe in lifetime, monogamous...
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