Criminal barristers in Waterford joined their judicial colleagues nationwide to take part in the withdrawal of their services last Tuesday, 9th July, in the first of three days of withdrawal this month

The action by the barristers follows a recommendation from the Council of The Bar of Ireland last month. As well as Waterford courthouse, protests took place at 15 other courthouses nationwide where criminal cases were due to be heard on the day, including Kilkenny, Clonmel and Wexford.

This is an escalation on the unprecedented action taken by criminal barristers all over the country on October 3rd last, with the aim of seeking an independent, meaningful, time-limited and binding mechanism to determine the fees paid to criminal barristers by the Director of Public Prosecutions and under the Criminal Justice (Legal Aid) Scheme.


Barristers at Waterford Courthouse taking part in the nationwide protest of withdrawal of Services.  Photo: David Clynch.