Caption: Pictured outside L'Atmosphère restaurant on Henrietta Street is Arnaud Mary with Patrice Garreau, Alexis Pionneau, Maxine Lambert, Gaelle Barathay, Mihahela Wester, Pierre Gariou.                                                                                                                                                          | Photo: John Power

Caption: Pictured outside L'Atmosphère restaurant on Henrietta Street is Arnaud Mary with Patrice Garreau, Alexis Pionneau, Maxine Lambert, Gaelle Barathay, Mihahela Wester, Pierre Gariou. | Photo: John Power

The renowned L’Atmosphère restaurant has once again scooped a top national award.
In the 2011 Georgina Campbell awards announced last week, the category which the Henrietta Street restaurant excelled in was, not surprisingly, “Atmospheric Restaurant of the Year.”
However, the category did not only consider the atmosphere of each restaurant, it also took account of value for money, and the quality of food and service.
Ms Campbell’s report of L’Atmosphère was gushingly positive.
“L’Atmosphère has much more to it than the name implies – this well-run restaurant was actually nominated in several categories, including family-friendly, by our assessors, and it was especially praised for giving ‘value for money’ – for which we have no category, as all our award winners are expected to deliver value for money as matter of course.”
The report added that: “Irish diners place a high premium on atmosphere – often rating it above even the quality of food when choosing where to eat out – but, as everyone familiar with past winners of our Atmospheric category will know, we seek out establishments that offer very high standards all round, with great atmosphere as the icing on the cake.”
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