07ProtestTHOUSANDS of people took to the streets of Waterford on Saturday as part of the nationwide austerity protests organised by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU). Trade union members from across the South East were in attendance, along with various community group and organisations. The protestors assembled at The Glen and set off at 2pm led by the TF Meagher Flute Band.
Following the same route of November’s ‘Save Waterford’ march, the protestors made their way onto Bridge Street, along The Quay and into John Roberts Square.Chants of ‘IMF on your bike’ and ‘What do we want? General strike’ echoed through the streets, with protestors carrying placards reading messages such as ‘Tax the Rich’, ‘€64bn can’t pay, won’t pay’, ‘Tax the greedy, not the needy, ‘Bank debt is not our debt’, and ‘Fight for every job, resist every cut’.