The ‘Enterprise Team’ at Waterford Area Partnership. From left: Assistant Enterprise Officer Nina Walsh, Business Mentor Victoria Wilmott, CEO Joe Stokes, Business Mentor Tara Kelly and Enterprise Coordinator Gayle Barry.

The ‘Enterprise Team’ at Waterford Area Partnership. From left: Assistant Enterprise Officer Nina Walsh, Business Mentor Victoria Wilmott, CEO Joe Stokes, Business Mentor Tara Kelly and Enterprise Coordinator Gayle Barry.

Things are getting better in Waterford. The evidence is all around us. Thanks to a vibrant Chamber, a hard working City Manager, and, most importantly, the willingness of men and women to take the plunge into entrepreneurship, signs of a recovery cannot be disputed.
Pessimism is an intrinsic component of the Irish condition – and the recession has exacerbated that trait in sections of both the political class and the media.
But any objective student of the Irish regional press could not point such an accusatory finger at The Munster Express which, while also addressing some harsh realities, has refused to be overwhelmed by it.
Learning of the strides taken by Sean Egan (Art Glass at The Granary), Tammy Darcy (, Jason Moran and Carl Waitoa (fitness instruction) has proven a source of tremendous encouragement.
Talking with all four in recent months, it’s clear that the satisfaction they’ve gleaned from starting up their own businesses means so much more than what the kitty alone dictates each week.
They and so many others have decided to branch out on their own, creating their own businesses, taking on a challenging task – but it’s one they’re clearly relishing.
And they’re far from alone. Since January, Waterford Area Partnership (WAP) has assisted 100 people in creating their own businesses locally, “fantastic news” to quote Partnership CEO Joe Stokes.
See The Munster Express newspaper for full story or subscribe to our PDF version.