Waterford independent optician Kjell Nolke has recently adopted the world’s leading manufacturer of precision optics, ZEISS International.“So, what does mean? For our customers,” asks Kjell Nolke, owner and founder of Nolke Opticians. “It means better quality single vision lenses, progressive lenses, digital lenses, sunglass lenses and a lot more. People focus, if you’ll forgive the pun, too much on the frames and not enough on the reason you need glasses. The lenses should be the core decision in any eyewear purchase.

Kjell Nolke, Owner of Nolke Opticians

Kjell Nolke, Owner of Nolke Opticians

We’ve been working with many lens manufacturers and suppliers over the years but following extensive research we realised that not only does ZEISS offer the best for our customers, they match Nolke Optician’s vision for the industry.
For example, these days we’re constantly using our smartphones or tablets, but these digital devices pose a new challenge for our eyes. The new ZEISS Smartlife series of lenses incorporate these changes in our everyday lives and enable fast, comfortable focusing thanks a specially optimised near zone. These lenses are not only perfect for digital devices, but also books and magazines, helping you avoid uncomfortable head and body posture.
Their wide selection of progressive lens designs enables us to produce a pair of progressive glasses optimised for each person’s particular needs and featuring unprecedented quality. Cutting-edge computer technology assists in measuring visual performance and fitting the lenses to your frames. The near, intermediate and distance zones are all incorporated into one lens with smooth transitions. These lenses are tailor-made for your facial shape, your lifestyle, your career and your visual habits. Even your age and average pupil size are included in the design.
A lens design that is as complex as it is comfortable: ZEISS progressive lenses provide you with clear vision immediately whenever you shift your eyes. And the transition is smooth as can be, finally making blurred images in the transitional zone a thing of the past.”
This partnership with ZEISS doesn’t change the price or customer service for the Nolke faithful, they remain as good as ever. They just receive a better-quality lens, which means a more comfortable viewing experience.

If you’d like to know more about ZEISS lenses call into Nolke Opticians at the Uluru Centre on the Dunmore Road or visit www.nolkeopticians.com.