A KILMEADEN housing estate has been “neglected”, according to a local Councillor.Residents at Fán Glas have been expressing concerns at the lack of maintenance and overall appearance of their estate.Raising the issue at the April Comeragh District meeting of Waterford City & County Council, Cllr John O’Leary (FF) said the roads in the estate urgently need to be resurfaced.
He pointed out that some manholes are almost a foot over the level of the road surface.He asked for an update on the taking in charge process which would see Waterford City & County Council assume liability and responsibility for the roads, footpaths and public areas associated with the estate.Cllr O’Leary said there seemed to be a “battle” between the Council and the builder.

The entrance to Fán Glas in Kilmeaden.

The entrance to Fán Glas in Kilmeaden.

He said he had raised issues at a previous meeting and had been told there would be an update.However, Cllr O’Leary said residents seem to be left in “no man’s land”.He called for a “rapid” response, saying residents are hugely concerned that the issue has been “dragging on”.Senior Engineer Gabriel Hynes said a meeting in relation to the taking in charge process was scheduled to take place and the issues relating to Fán Glas would be discussed as part of the agenda.