A WIT Nursing graduate feels she has been left with no option but to emigrate given the ‘drastic’ cut in salary she would be forced to take under a new HSE/Department of Health recruitment scheme. As outlined on page one, Sandra Ryan of Viewmount Park will embark for Liverpool this July, a path which most of her fellow WIT graduates have beaten in recent months.
“It’s just been one cut after another,” said Ms Ryan, who outlined her situation in an emotional letter to Sinn Féin Senator David Cullinane. “In Third Year (of college), our internship got hit with a massive pay cut – from 80 per cent of a First Year’s Nurse’s salary to 60 per cent, and I fought tooth and nail with the INMO to have this cut reversed. “I took part in press conferences, radio and TV interviews, trying to show what this meant to student nurses. It sickened me.