The drop in planning applications to Waterford County Council ‘accelerated’ in 2009 and reflected a 44% decrease compared to the previous year, the Council’s budget meeting heard in Dungarvan before Christmas.

The decrease both in the number and scale of developments was set to continue throughout 2010 and the planning budget was reduced to €768,918, a decrease of €138,302. The budget for 2010 for planning application fees was €178, 800 based on an estimated 596 applications at an average of €300 each.

The Council heard that up to October 2009 a total of 129 planning complaints were logged with the Planning Department’s Enforcement Section, resulting in 23 warning letters and 18 enforcement notices being issued in respect of non compliance with planning legislation.

The owners of 25 protected structures were approved for funding amounting to €145,000 in 2009 under the Conservation Grant Scheme.