Author: Michelle Clancy

Women in Stem and The Numbers Game

Women in Stem and The Numbers Game

Regina Moran took to the rostrum at the WIT Arena on Thursday morning last and beat the drum for female Leaving Cert students to consider a career in Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths (STEM). The lack of young women in such lecture halls is something the Clonmel native is personally familiar with. When she...
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Festive Photos

Festive Photos

A collection of festive photos from “Christmas Hat & Jumper Day” ArdScoil na Mara, Tramore, The “Christmas Day Swim at Tramore” and the “Michael Power Memorial Christmas Day Swim” For all photos from these events see this week’s edition of the Munster...
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Blaas and Bloggers…

Blaas and Bloggers…

In the current world of social media, blogging has exploded into a massive commercial and cultural influence. But who are our own local-grown and successful bloggers? Michelle Heffernan reports… The Food Blog: Andrea Veighey (Waterford Foodie) Andrea Veighey, who works locally in administration, began Waterford...
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Thieves target festive luxuries

Thieves target festive luxuries

Eoghan Dalton Reports Jewellers and perfume sellers are most in danger of being targeted by thieves during the festive period, according to Waterford Gardaí. Addressing Waterford City & County Council’s Joint Policing Committee, Gardaí said there is always a spike in theft from shops at Christmas but that it...
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