Author: Joe Falvey

Walking the Walk in Dunmore

Walking the Walk in Dunmore

‘Here comes the sun’ indeed and it’s more than welcome along with those darling buds of May. So let’s embrace it to sweep away the cobwebs as we shake off the winter blues. Well there’s no better way than getting those walking boots on and start walking in the sunshine! We are blessed with a county of bountiful...
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Waterpark – A Proud Tradition

Waterpark – A Proud Tradition

Waterford is surely fortunate in the quality and range of its schools at both primary and secondary level. Today we take a look at Waterpark College, one of our distinguished secondary schools with a proud record of educational achievement, along with a strong history of sport (rugby in particular). There is also a...
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Our Townland Centre – Ardkeen

Our Townland Centre – Ardkeen

This week as we welcome you again to our townland whose heart pulsates at Ardkeen and as such acts as a focus for the area which has grown enormously over recent decades. So I thought I would look at the some of the history of the house and lands that gave the name and the hospitals that were developed there....
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The National Anthem

The National Anthem

This week we will gather in our thousands throughout the country and many a foreign field to celebrate our favourite Welshman – St Patrick and the arrival of the Spring Equinox, the harbinger of things to come and the ever lengthening of brighter evenings. Though, I remember Padraig Breathnach formerly of...
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Waving the Tricolour

Waving the Tricolour

Next weekend sees the inaugural Irish Tricolour Festival being celebrated in Waterford to mark Waterford rightful place in the original unfolding of our national flag as it was first flown here in Waterford from 33, The Mall, on March 7th 1848. That year is significant one in itself it historically being regarded as...
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The Noise of Democracy

The Noise of Democracy

Well, the Big E-Day is upon us as we set out to cast our vote. They say that the outcome of your choices will change the political landscape and to expect the unexpected. The politicians have talked endlessly to try and convince you of the merits of their case but it is you the voter who has the last word. Meanwhile,...
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Vote Casting and Counting

Vote Casting and Counting

Well, with just a week left of debating, we head to the polling booths on Friday next, the 25th when the people have the last word. On the following day we will again enjoy the drama of the Count – Democracy’s big day out! Once again the famed tallymen will be calling it with their number-crunching with running...
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Valentine – man or myth?

Valentine – man or myth?

Well everywhere, in all media and right left and centre there’s wall to wall coverage of all things political. I considered going down that road myself again this week. But no – for a change let’s turn to matters closer to the heart and speak of Valentine’s and the tradition that lies behind it, him or her. Romantics...
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An T-Earrach- Ta Failte Romhat

An T-Earrach- Ta Failte Romhat

The saying goes that when winter comes, can spring be far behind. However this time it has been a long time coming as we emerge – hopefully – from our coldest winter on record – some speak of our Winter of discontent. So the arrival of Spring has never been more welcome agus cead mile failte roimpi, this...
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The Dáil- How It Works

The Dáil- How It Works

Or rather how it should work. But let’s take a look at the constitutional provisions for our national parliament we call the Dáil now that we are heading for the dissolution of the current and an election for the next one. I am going to bring you an account of our parliamentary system, guided by and courtesy of one...
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