Kieran Foley

Parts of Kilmeaden resemble an area that was “bombed in the Second World War”, according to a local Councillor.

Cllr John O’Leary (FF) made his comments at the January Comeragh District meeting of Waterford City & County Council when highlighting “unsightly” scenes.

“At the moment, parts of Kilmeaden look like an area that was bombed in the Second World War,” he said.  He went on to outline how “huge craters” are present on a number of roads due to work being carried out by Irish Water.

“My information is that there is a delay caused by communication issues between Irish Water and the ESB. Whatever the reason, there are unsightly scenes around Kilmeaden of major craters with barricades and cones surrounding them.”



Cllr John O’Leary (INSET) outlined how “huge craters” are present on a number of roads due to work being carried out by Irish Water.


Cllr O’Leary said the issue has persisted for eight months and he is anxious that it is addressed. He also expressed concern for cyclists and pedestrians as he fears a serious accident could occur.

In response, Senior Engineer (Roads) Gabriel Hynes said a number of booster stations are currently being installed and there appears to be a delay in connections to the ESB network.

He said the issue has been raised with Waterford City & County Council’s water service who are making the necessary enquiries to get the issue resolved. Mr Hynes said he would revert back to Cllr O’Leary when more information has been obtained from Irish Water.