The number of people in hospital with Covid-19 has topped 1,000 for the first time since April, it was revealed yesterday (Monday).

And the latest wave of Covid continues to spread throughout Waterford with 55 people in University Hospital Waterford with the virus, including two in ICU. Hospital services are being stretched to their limit with 85 staff absent due to Covid 19.

According to the 14-day incidence rate, Waterford City East reported the highest number of cases in the county with 68, whilst Waterford City South came in second with 57 cases followed by Dungarvan with 51, Waterford City West 44, Portlaw/Kilmac 37 and Lismore 16.

It is believed that the variants BA.4 and BA.5 of Omicron are now the prominent variants spreading through the country. Health officials have this week began posting new guidance encouraging people to self-isolate even if they have mild symptoms to try and minimise the spread of the virus.

As the virus continues to grow and change, new symptoms are being brought to light and the public is being warned to isolate if they develop them. Professor Luke O’Neill stated at the weekend that some key differences reported with these latest variants included night sweats, as well as fever, dry cough and fatigue.

Some 1,055 people across the country were in hospital with the virus as of Monday morning with 38 in intensive care. The latest figures were revealed as the EU issued a recommendation that second booster rollouts be expanded to over 60’s.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) said there was no clear evidence to support giving a second booster dose to people below 60 years of age who are not at higher risk of severe disease.

The hope, according to the Interim Chief Medical Officer, is that the current wave will peak and plateau shortly but it will take time before there is a knock on impact on hospital figures.


Justine Dwyer
The Munster Express
First for News