The behaviour of “drunken yobs” seems set to lead to closure of the pedestrian right-of-way between Ballytruckle Road and the Inner Ring Road in Waterford city.

Former Mayor and City Councillor Tom Cunningham (FG) is seeking the move to protect Ballytruckle Road residents, most of them elderly, who have to tolerate anti-social behaviour on an ongoing basis.

He tabled a motion to that effect at Monday night’s Council meeting and asked that it be referred to a meeting of the Area Committee, which was agreed. A plebiscite must be taken among the residents before a decision is made.

Cllr Cunningham said the behaviour of a few passing drunken yobs, usually late at night, was making life hell for people living along the road.

The attacks were increasing in frequency and the level of anti-social behaviour, including damage to houses and cars, was totally unacceptable.

He said the gardai were aware of the situation and were working with the residents to catch the culprits. They fully supported the closure.

He said he was aware the closure would cause some inconvenience for people who used the right-of-way for access to the Ursuline Schools, but he felt people having to walk an extra hundred metres was a small price to pay for protection of the elderly from the yobs.