No date has been set for rollout of BreastCheck in Waterford City, local Labour Party Councillor Seamus Ryan has been told by organisers of the service.

Councillor Ryan, who has been campaigning vigorously on the issue for several years, reacted angrily, stating that women in Waterford were being treated like second class citizens.

“Despite repeated promises that BreastCheck would be made available in Waterford City it seems now that there will be no delivery on those commitments”, he complained.

Cllr Ryan demanded that Health Minister Mary Harney and Professor Tom Keane, Director of the Cancer Control Programme, intervene directly and ensure that sufficient resources are put in place to guarantee the immediate rollout of the service to Waterford City.

He added: “This scandalous situation can no longer be tolerated by Waterford people and I would call on the people here to contact BreastCheck directly to express their anger at its failure to live up to its own promises. Each year approximately 600 women are victims of breast cancer and a sizeable number of deaths could be prevented if periodic screening and diagnosis identified the problem early enough. The Labour Party has consistently campaigned for the rollout of BreastCheck and we will continue to do so”.