The well-known Waterford chiropractor, Dr Noel Ryan, is about to celebrate his 30th year of practice and to mark the milestone he has decided to make a unique and generous ‘Open Door’ gesture to patients at his Airmount Clinic, River Lodge, Rock Road, Bilberry.

Every Wednesday, commencing on November 5th, Dr Ryan will operate an ‘Open Door’ clinic at his surgery from 12 noon to 4pm. During those hours patients will not be asked to pay his usual fee but rather make a ‘donation’ according to each individual’s circumstances.

“Times are hard economically at the moment but one’s health should always be a priority. My contribution by way of celebrating my 30th year in practice is to give something back to the community and I sincerely hope that the ‘Open Door’ will be of help to people who might otherwise have hesitated in contacting me”, said Dr Ryan.

A native of Waterford, Dr Ryan was a nationally known musician with The Sands, Big 8 and Miami showbands before he embarked on many years of study and training to qualify as a chiropractor. He completed a Science degree at the Waterford Institute of Technology before travelling the world discovering the Chiropractic approach. He sought out one of the most elite Chiropractic Colleges in South Carolina, USA, and, following his graduation, he returned to Ireland to be one of the pioneers in developing the profession in this country.

He points out that good spinal alignment leads to better health and less pain and Chiropractic is a way of keeping healthy and being at your best; for better sports performance, improved flexibility, better posture, higher resistance to disease, a more comfortable pregnancy and more energy.

Most people tend to attend at first with some form of discomfort, commonly lower back pain, neck trouble, headaches, shoulder complaints etc. However, as their symptoms resolve they notice an increased sense of well-being, less coughs and colds, improved posture, improved sleep and reduced stress levels. Therefore, the array of people coming through the chiropractor’s door ranges from new born babies suffering colic to an 80 year old pensioners with osteoporosis.

Dr. Ryan points out that no two patients are the same. And it’s not only humans who require good spinal alignment! Over the years he has been asked to work with animals, particularly thoroughbred horses.

Dr. Noel Ryan can be contacted at Airmount Chiropractic Clinic, River Lodge, Rock Road, Bilberry, Waterford. Tel. No. 051-855481