An Bord Pleanala has ordered Tesco Ireland to pay 40% of the cost of creating a roundabout at the entrance to its new Ballybeg store, paving the way for an estimated 200 construction jobs and further 250 longterm retail positions at the multi million euro development.

Part of a new ‘neighbourhood centre’, the proposed store is expected to inject an estimated €5m per anum into the local economy.

The planning authority last week upheld the inclusion of a special contribution condition by Waterford City Council that Tesco Ireland pay 40% of the cost of the roundabout. This figure could run to €300,000. The supermarket giant had previously objected to the condition on the grounds that the roundabout would in fact facilitate future development rather than the proposed Tesco store.

The proposed €25m development provides for a single storey Tesco foodstore incorporating an off-licence, as well as a separate mix use building providing four retail units, a credit union, a café, a crèche and medical centre with 15 consulting rooms. The Tesco store itself is likely to employ up to 150 people, with the ancillary units providing between 50 and 100 and about 200 jobs being created during construction, Michael Sullivan, Tesco Ireland Ltd told The Munster Express.

Mr Sullivan said a development programme for the new store was currently being put together, after which a projected timeline for construction and opening would be announced. Fronting onto both the Kilbarry Road and Ballybeg Link Road, the 8.4 acre Tesco site was bought from the City Council for €9 million last year and is directly opposite 200 acres of land earmarked for major residential development. It originally formed part of a larger holding of 16 acres which was brought to the market by Purcell Properties in 2007. Waterford City Council ultimately retained the remainder of the 16 acres for future development.

The Tesco development is expected to form a catalyst for further retail/commercial investment in a Neighbourhood Centre in the area. It is expected to feed off new housing developments between the Tramore and Kilbarry Roads which could accommodate up to 5,000 people in 1,500 to 2,000 units.