As we head into the Bank Holiday Weekend, the writer of a widely-read internet blog in this country has informed his readers that Waterford, more than likely, has the highest incidence of extra marital affairs in Ireland. Leitrim, he suggests, is the most chaste county in the Republic.

A self confessed statistics and mathematics enthusiast, the Limerick-based blogger (his
penname is unprintable!) used census figures and county memberships of certain websites to arrive at his conclusions. He admits he has made a number of unsustainable assumptions but, nevertheless, believes his figures are not too far off the mark.

Working on the principle that people between the ages of 24 to 65 were more likely to have affairs, he worked out the population of each county that fell into that age demographic. Next, assuming that anyone looking for extra curricular activity, might be a member of a dating site/swing site, he selected one of Irelands most popular sites and managed to get figures for registered users county by county.

Using both the numbers in the chosen demographic and the statistics for each county that had active profiles, he believed it was possible to work out which county had the highest
percentage users and thus the highest likelihood of affairs being conducted.

For what it’s worth, the blogger’s Top Five counties for extra marital affairs are as follows: 1 Waterford; 2 Dublin; 3 Louth; 4 Carlow; 5 Sligo.

Those for would-be lotharios to avoid are 1 Leitrim; 2 Roscommon; 3 Kerry; 4 Monaghan; 5 Tipperary.