Another Merriman, Victor, brother of Liam, has an excellent academic book out from Carysfort Press-“Because We Are Poor: Irish Theatre In The 1990’s”. It is a fine study from a scholarly Ferrybank man who has a lifetime’s interest in theatre. The book is an examination of post-colonial theory as it applies to theatre of the 90s, and, like most academic work, seeks a reading public with a catchy title and lists of references, which makes the process difficult for the regular reader.

Victor Merriman makes his choice of plays fit his premise, even if he has to cast his net outside the restrictions of the period in question. There is a lack of reference to Waterford writers or Waterford theatre. The nearest we get is a 1996 touring production of Waiting for Godot in the Watergate, Kilkenny and a 1909 touring production in Wexford of a Dermot Bolger play.