This week I want to sweet-talk you as I tell you all about delicious confections called cup cakes! Simply devine, I hear people say about these confectionary delights by Kevin and Fiona Lonergan living down Maypark way. They market their cakes under the rather apt title of Cupcake Heaven which encapsulates this simply scrumptious experience. Kevin is originally from the Folly and Fiona from Glenville.

Going Gourmet

But this story is not just about sweet talk and tasty confection as lovely as all that is but this venture by Kevin and Fiona is serious business indeed, and represents a bold and determined step to establish a viable business for themselves and family in these challenging times. Like many another couple they faced the prospect of redundancy, Kevin has an engineering background but the company he worked for folded. So naturally they began to look at their options as to their future. They sensibly looked to their talents and interests for ideas including music as both are talented musicians. Fiona who always loved baking was attracted to the modern trend and taste for cup cakes which had become popularised in the US over the past decade mainly through the hit TV show Sex and the City which featured the Magnolia Bakery. The Cup cake came to Ireland about 6 years ago. Having done their market research they saw the potential to be the first here in Waterford to bring their brand of cup cake delights to the market here. They researched the product thoroughly and aimed from day one to produce gourmet, top class variety of cup cake that would match, indeed surpass anything available on the market.

So, Kevin along with Fiona with her redundancy package from Bausch and Lomb took the plunge and invested in this business venture, putting their faith in the quality of their product. So Cup Cake Heaven became part of their hopes and dreams.

Into the Market Place

Their initial tentative step into the market place was 18 months ago at the regular Ardkeen Sunday Country Market. They were delighted when their trial batch of 80 cup cakes sold out on their first morning. The positive feedback from consumers was a confidence-booster, prompting them to press on with their venture and deploy their creative talents to develop new varieties of equal quality. Fiona and Kevin are very much a team, each playing to their strengths, with Kevin minding the shop and the most charming of salesmen fronting the business and then Fiona, the force behind the scenes, the creative wizard of the whisk. When I enquired as to what made her cup cakes different her response was immediate and with a certain pride. “Well, I like to think that I go that extra mile with my cakes…The cake itself has a rich buttery taste as I only use butter and free range eggs. The topping is made with Swiss meringue buttercream, it has a velvety smooth texture almost like ice cream and is not as sickly sweet as the other buttercream which is widely used”. As quality control is vital all their cup cakes are hand-made and come in 2 sizes- standard and minis.

Their popular varieties include, Classic Vanilla; Double Chocolate; Strawberry Cream; also, a Bailey topping delight and what about Red Velvet- topped with a delicious blend of double cream, Mascarpone and Madagascan vanilla- Yummy.

Wedding Cup Cake Sensation

I learned that cupcake creations have become an ever increasing popular alternative to the traditional wedding cake and artistically can be a thing of beauty. Indeed, I hear they are a treat for all sort of occasions.

From next week they are moving into all new state- of- the- art kitchen facility at unit 23 Johnstown Industrial Park (beside Jack Molloy Catering) so why not give them a call there.

Fiona and Kevin are also regulars at the Broad Street market every Saturday as well every second Sunday out at the Fenor country market. They are also available online at . Or at 085 7859056. Kevin is also known as a great bassist with bands like the Springsteens and the Fayre Weather Band while Fiona too is known for her dulcet tones to match her sweet creations! So all in all a talented couple whose enterprise we applaud, not just because they are local but because of the quality of what they do. So, do yourself a flavour and give your loved ones a treat while supporting a great local business.