Waterford-born Professor Fergal Malone will return to his native city later this month to launch the Royal College of Surgeon’s Mini-Med School Public Lecture Series at WRH.

Renowned throughout Ireland and internationally for his world class research work in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology field, Professor Malone lived with his family in the Ferrybank area until the age of his six when his father, garda sgt. Des Malone, was transferred to Dublin. Fergal’s mother Brigid, nee Phelan, hails from Mooncoin and he is one of five children born to the couple.

After qualifying from UCD, Professor Malone moved to Boston Massachusetts, where he completed training in obstetrics and gynaecology followed by an advanced fellowship in maternal -fetal medicine, obstetric ultrasound and prenatal diagnosis. During his time in the United States, Professor Malone was responsible for world class research developments in obstetric ultrasound, prenatal diagnosis, and maternal-fetal medicine. He returned to Ireland in 2005 when he was appointed Professor and Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, based at the Rotunda Hospital. His work has made the Irish headlines on several occasions since his return, most recently when he performed groundbreaking surgery on twin girls in the womb earlier this year, saving their lives.

Professor Malone’s lecture at WRH on Tuesday, 23rd September will focus on Diseases of the Very Young and coincides with the completion of a new €4.2 million medical education facility at WRH. The new facility, which is jointly funded by the Health Services Executive (HSE) and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) is designed to enhance the teaching of both undergraduate and postgraduate medical personnel in the South East, in addition to providing facilities for all.

The Mini-Med School is a highly popular five-week public lecture series open to all, addressing health related matters. Tickets are only €20 for the entire five week programme and it will run every Tuesday evening from Tuesday 23rd September to Tuesday, 21st October.

Further information on mini-med school can be viewed at www.minimedschool.ie or contact Loraine Monard at 01-4028662. Enrolment will be allocated on a first-come first served basis.