Carrigeen GAA Club has received the go-ahead to instigate its ambitious €500,000 development programme to its complex. The forward-thinking club was granted planning permission for the work last December by Kilkenny County Council but the National Roads Authority was unhappy with the new entrance and appealed the decision to An Bord Pleanala.

Last weekend, the news came through that An Bord Pleanala had rejected the NRA objection and work is expected to commence at the earliest opportunity. The National Lottery has put up €200,000 and Kilkenny County Council €100,000 and the club is in the process of raising the remaining €200,000.

Carrigeen Chairman, Richie Quinn, told The Munster Express he and his committee were extremely pleased and relieved that they could proceed. “This is a growing community and we are catering for the immediate future and laying the groundwork for the years to come”.

Our plan is to ensure that our club facilities match the best and we are confident of achieving that dream”, he said.