Work is expected to get underway in the middle of 2009 on a series of reinforced concrete and glass flood walls along Scotch and Georges quays and the Waterside, as part of the city’s €5m Flood Alleviation Scheme.

Funding for Phases 2 and 3 of the scheme has already been ring-fenced and the project is not under threat from economic cutbacks, Monday evening’s monthly meeting of the City Council was assured.

Construction of the masonry-faced and glass walls along the southern banks of John’s River at Scotch Quay and Georges Quay and along the northern bank of
John’s River at the Waterside will take six months, the Council heard. The walls will feature a limestone finish, with some decorative element on every fourth or fifth panel and there will be floodgates facilitating access to the river at a number of locations.

A number of trees along the Waterside will need to be moved to facilitate the
works but Ray Mannix, Senior Engineer with the Council, said landscaping works would take place when the wall was completed. A footpath will be provided on the river wide of the road at the Waterside, necessitating the removal of a small number of parking spaces.


In response to a query by Cllr Seamus Ryan, Director of Services Collette Byrne said the €1.6m required for Phases 2 and 3 had already been allocated by the Office of Public Works and was not under threat from Government cutbacks. Cllr John Halligan expressed concern about the visual aspect of the flood walls and Cllr Tom Cunningham suggested a stainless steel handrail on the glass panels would be easier to maintain than the proposed timber one.

The 5-phased Flood Relief Scheme will cost E5m in its entirety and include the construction of floodwalls and embankments along the Quays fronting the River Suir and along John’s River from its meeting point with the River Suir to the Tramore Road. Phase 1, due to start early next year, will consists of work on the River Suir upstream of its confluence with John’s River and on John’s River to Hardy’s Bridge. The final phase, which will provide for essential works on the Tramore Road, is currently in the planning stages.