Fine Gael’s parliamentary party will hold its autumnal ‘think-in’ at Faithlegg House Hotel, a year after the Labour Party held a similar get-together at the same venue.
The party’s 51 TDs, 15 Senators and four MEPs will gather at the East Waterford hotel on September 8th and 9th for what should prove an interesting gathering given the party’s recent bout of turbulence.
The Dublin media, who no doubt will be startled at the relatively short drive ‘down the country’ thanks to the new motorway, will descend on Suirside for two days packed with sound bytes and photo opportunities.
Party leader Enda Kenny is no stranger to these parts, having recently attended Young Fine Gael’s summer school in Tramore, which hit the headlines following Deputy John Deasy’s probing comments at said event.
“This is yet another great opportunity for Waterford to show itself off as a great destination and as a fantastic host,” said Senator Paudie Coffey, welcoming the announcement.
“The think-in will be a chance for the Fine Gael Party to analyse its performance since the last think-in a year ago, and plan for the year ahead with the prospect of a general election in the near future.”
The party’s ongoing frustration over the outstanding by-elections in Waterford, Donegal South West and Dublin South, is destined for further discussion.
“It is wholly undemocratic for the Government to continue to deny the people of these three constituencies their constitutional entitlement to having equal representation in Dáil Éireann,” said Senator Coffey, hotly tipped to win the Waterford seat.
“And I have no doubt that this issue will be discussed during the think-in weekend.”
Senator Coffey, who is already campaigning around the city and county in the event of the by-election writ being moved, is looking forward to welcoming his colleagues to Faithlegg.
“At Faithlegg, we will continue to plan ahead for the impending general election which will be held within the next 20 months – when the people of Ireland will be given the opportunity to get rid of the worst government since the foundation of the State.”