Deputy Brian O’Shea has launched a stinging attack on the Government’s ‘downright dishonesty and prevarication’ in relation to the proposed re-designation of WIT as a University of the South East.

“The shameful fact of the matter is that since February 2006, we have not even progressed to the first stage of the statutory process despite the fact that the future of Waterford and the region is more dependant on the creation of the university than on any other prospective project or development,” he says.

Accusing the Government of using “a range of evasive and dishonest ploys to avoid progressing the application,” the Waterford Labour TD intends to tackle Education Minister Batt O’Keeffe when the Dáil resumes next week.

Specifically he’ll ask if he’s sought the appointment of an expert panel to advise the Higher Education Authority about WIT’s case – the recommended first step in the statutory process.

Doing so would at least “eliminate some of confusion and obfuscation which the Government has deliberately created” through “evasion, excuses and smokescreens for the past three years,” he says. “I am not prepared to allow this scandalous situation to go on indefinitely.”