Independent candidate in the City South electoral area Cllr Cha O’Neill has expressed disgust with what he calls ‘certain Fianna Fail hacks’ whom, he said were ‘telling people on the doorsteps that they had secured a statutory redundancy deal for Waterford Crystal workers’.

A former Waterford Crystal worker himself, Cllr O’Neill said he had heard from several sources that a number of Fianna Fail candidates in the upcoming local election were making these false claims whilst out canvassing. “That’s complete rubbish”, he told The Munster Express this week. “The workers themselves secured this deal with their protest at the Visitors Centre, as well as their meeting with the Tanaiste at the Tower Hotel.

“It would be more in the line of these Fianna Fail members to try to secure pension rights for the Crystal workers, who are left with nothing after so many years of paying into a pension fund”, he added. “And, they should be doing everything in their power to ensure something like this never happens again.”

See our special Election 2009 section for indepth profiles of local and EU candidates.