Waterford United’s long unbeaten run came to an end at the RSC last Saturday evening. The performance was poor to say the very least and needless to say Stephen Henderson was not a happy man when he spoke afterwards.

“It is not the fact that we have lost our long unbeaten record that upsets me, it’s the fact that we have lost three points that would have put us three clear at the top of the table. We were very poor in the first half and not much better in the second. Their two front runners caused us problems all night and that has not happened to us all season.

“Having said that the two goals they scored were poor from our point of view. I will not blame my players because they did work hard through the game but it did not happen for us this evening’,” the Waterford manager continued. When it was put to him that perhaps the Blues’ 12-match unbeaten run was a monkey off their backs, Henderson wasn’t having any of it.

“We worked damned hard to get all of those wins and I could not go with that view. We wanted to keep the run going and to lose it is terrible… We had a big crowd here this evening and unfortunately we did not perform. It is done and dusted now and there is nothing we can do about it.

“Wexford deserved to win, pure and simple and we must now try and win the Munster Cup before we get prepared for another huge game in Tolka Park against Shelbourne. The players will work hard this week and believe me we will give it aright go against Shels,” concluded an extremely frustrated Blues boss.