Local Fine Gael Councillors are demanding immediate action by Waterford County Council to clean up “the absolute mess” it has made of the Tramore Road.
The problem was highlighted at the January meeting of Tramore Town Council but Cllr Ann Marie Power complained this week that nothing had yet been done. “The road is in a dreadful state”, she said, emphasising that she was speaking also for her fellow councillors John Carey, Lola O’Sullivan and Raymond Hayden.
She said she and her colleagues were concerned for the safety of thousands of motorists who travelled the road on a daily basis. Already, there had been a multiplicity of accidents involving shattered windscreens and driver disorientation at night time. Also, many of the safety cones have been moved, forcing drivers to swerve to avoid collisions.
The surface of the road was in a dreadful state, she said and the hard shoulder was completely covered in loose chippings. Yet the County Council didn’t intend correcting the damage until early summer, claiming that they had to wait for warm weather. But that to her was a vacuous excuse. “Tramore people have been more than patient with the Council since work on the road first began way back in August and it is high time something was done”, she stated.
“In my opinion the problem with the Tramore Road is symptomatic of very shabby treatment of the town by the Council. This simply would not happen in Dungarvan. Sometimes we appear to be the poor relative comparable to the west of the county”, she complained.