The reinstatement of Abbey Road, Ferrybank, following its closure earlier this year and the laying of the pipeline for the Waterford City Main Drainage Scheme, was raised by Cllr Pat Dunphy at this month’s meeting of the Piltown Electoral Area Committee of Kilkenny County Council.

The pipeline from Belview to Ferrybank went along the middle of the road and the Council was told that the surface would be reinstated. The work carried out to date comprised the resurfacing of ‘the cut’. The road was now in a poor condition and it seemed that future work would not be done until 2009. The Area Engineer said the City Council wanted to allow the excavated section of road to settle before finalising the project.

Meanwhile, Kilkenny County Council has set aside €50,000 in the current year for drainage work at Dournane Road, Mooncoin. Welcoming the scheme, Cllr Pat Dunphy (FG) said that unless larger drainage pipes were put in place at the junction with the main road to take surface water from Ballytarsney there would be a back-up of water.

Newrath Area Engineer Denis Lawlor said the money for the scheme had been set aside by the Council for pipe laying from the first bungalow on the Dournane Road towards the river.

In reply to questions by Cllr Cora Long (FF) he said it would be possible for residents to see the plans setting out the route of the drain.