A CALL for increased regulation of private bin collectors was made at the June plenary meeting of Waterford City & County Council.
Last November, Waterford City & County Council voted to privatise its bin collection service.
Speaking last week, Cllr Breda Brennan (SF) asked about the supervision of the specified timeframe in which bin collections can be carried out.
She sought information on how collection times were being supervised and asked where members of the public should report concerns about operators who are operating outside of the timeframe.
“It’s no fun having a bin lorry coming at six o’clock in the morning or, on the other side of the coin, coming at ten o’clock at night,” she said.
“We need to step up regulation on this issue,” she added.
The issued had previously been discussed at the May plenary meeting of Waterford City & County Council, with a number of councillors expressing concerns over the actions of some private operators.
Responding to Cllr Brennan’s concerns, Director of Services (Environment) Fergus Galvin said the council would follow up any issues involving operators who were operating out of hours.
“If there are specific issues, members of the public should contact the Environment section,” he explained.