Heather Reynolds of Eistec speaking at the event hosted by Dungarvan Enterprise Centre and Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber

Heather Reynolds of Eistec speaking at the event hosted by Dungarvan Enterprise Centre and Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber

On Wednesday last, Dungarvan
Enterprise Centre and Dungarvan
& West Waterford Chamber hosted
a lunchtime seminar with leading
business-woman Heather Reynolds
in Dungarvan.
Heather, who is one of the three
partners in Eishtec, spoke about
the success story that is Eistec,
one of the South East’s largest
indigenous employers who
currently employ 1200 people
in total with 950 of those being
based in the region.
Heather gave some great tips for
success, including that you should
always know as much about your
market as possible so that you can
be ready to respond to change and
that it is very important to work
with people who have complementary
skillsets to you.
She is a big believer in benchmarking
and has based her business model
on the best practice from all over
the world.
Heather spoke passionately about the
importance of people to a business,
this is not just lip service; Eishtec
have a highly developed training
model and all their staff train
for a FETAC qualification.
Furthermore, they have a policy
of promoting from within, which
is a true testament to the company’s
commitment to investment in
Eishtec have some clients who are
major global players including EE
and Orange, as well as home-grown
clients such as Done Deal, their
focus on delivering a professional,
high end service is clearly paying
Said Mags Durand O’ Connor of
Dungarvan Enterprise Centre:
“Heather is an incredibly accomplished
businesswoman, who has made a huge
impact on the local employment
situation, particularly in the youth
market. Her generosity of spirit
is evident in her voluntary work as
a non-executive director for Respond
and her company’s commitment
to CSR through local charities.
“It was an honour and a privilege
to hear her story. There are lessons
for us all in there about determination,
persistence and taking calculated risks.”
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