GenzymeGenzyme further solidified its commitment to its Waterford operation on Tuesday (February 12th) by announcing a €44m investment programme that will increase the site’s diversity of products. It’s not yet clear whether the company’s 500-strong local workforce will increase as a result of the expansion, which will see the creation of Sanofi’s Lantus® (insulin glargine), the number one insulin brand worldwide, created at the Waterford biotechnology campus by 2016.
However the investment, according to Dominic Carolan, Managing Director, Genzyme Ireland, represents a ‘major endorsement of the capability built up at the Waterford operation since 2001 and is evidence of Sanofi’s commitment to the location and the confidence that exists in what Waterford can deliver’.
Visiting the local site on Waterford today, Richard Bruton TD, the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation, described the investment as a major vote of confidence in the Waterford site’,