Eddie Killeen (Crusaders) is well tackled by Bohs No.8 James Griffin.      | photos: noel browne

Eddie Killeen (Crusaders) is well tackled by Bohs No.8 James Griffin. | photos: noel browne

Bohemians  0;  Crusaders   3

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Both teams went into this game in Ben Wadding Park on Saturday on the back of heavy defeats the previous week. Bohemians lost 8-2 to St Paul’s while Crusaders had lost 5-2 to St Joseph’s so both sets of players were determined to put things right, and it was Crusaders who came out on top. In truth they were on top for the majority of the 90 minutes and they fully deserved to take all three points.
Mark Fell of Bohemians made the Crusaders goalkeeper Trevor Jacob earn his corn with a fierce shot after seven minutes of play.